Overview of CAPS Services
Drop-In Tutoring
Study and work on homework and assignments in a supportive and collaborative group environment where peer tutors circulate and offer mini lessons. Drop-in tutoring is completely free and you don’t need an appointment! Just come to one of our many drop-in locations, sit down, and raise your hand when you have a question. A peer tutor will discuss your questions with you and help you develop the tools you need to be a successful problem solver.
Individual Appointments
Individual appointments are great when you need a little extra time with a tutor to work on solving a complex problem, understanding a difficult question, or designing a personalized plan for success. Work one-on-one with a peer tutor or learning strategist who tailors the interactions to your needs. Students can schedule 25 or 50 minute appointments up to a week in advance.
CAPS provides workshops designed to support UNM students throughout their undergraduate experience. Workshop topics range from navigating the writing process to building learning skills that help students succeed across the curriculum. There are regularly scheduled workshops held on the 3rd floor of Zimmerman Library. Faculty can request in-class workshops and student groups can also make requests through the online form.
Conversation Groups
CAPS offers weekly conversation groups for all of the languages we tutor. This format is ideal for gaining practice speaking a language; you can work on everything from pronunciation to advanced grammar and dialogue. Our tutors make conversation groups fun by incorporating movies and games into the language learning process.
SI Sessions
Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a series of weekly review sessions to help you succeed in historically difficult courses. Students who attend SI regularly average one half to a full letter grade higher than students who choose not to attend. According to some prominent research attending one 50 minute session is the equivalent of studying 2.5 hours alone! SI is for all students who want to maximize their study time, while improving both their understanding of course material and developing lifelong learning skills.
Sessions are led by trained SI Leaders who have previously taken the course and earned a B+ or better. SI Leaders attend all class sessions to keep up with the course material and they create opportunities for you to discuss concepts, compare notes, learn key study strategies, gain a deeper understanding of the content, and network with classmates.
Online Learning
Online learning can take place in a variety of avenues, including the Online Learning Center (OLC), the Online Writing Lab (OWL), Embedded Online Tutoring, or through our Social Media presence. Whether you are a taking an online class or simply seeking online support for your undergraduate studies, CAPS Online Tutoring is here to help you develop the critical thinking skills necessary to succeed academically. [link to Online Program Page]
Faculty Office Hours
Faculty office hours with CAPS involve a faculty member hosting office hours in the drop in lab and meeting with students from their classes. This is a great way to study with your professor/ instructor at CAPS and in a relaxed environment.